Starting almost anything new is a challenging process. That is true especially when it relates to a new career path, business, or entrepreneurship.

If one of your goals is quitting your job and becoming a full-time real estate investor, and ultimate achieving financial freedom, this article is for you.

In this article, I will share with you how I got started investing in real estate, what I focused on, and the key things that made me succeed as an investor.

How I Got Started

The way I got started was with a Carlton Sheets course. I opened every binder and I went through every inch of it. I drove a lot for my job at the time and every minute that I was in my car driving for work, I was listening to cassette tapes over and over and over until I had these techniques down and I understood them forwards and backwards.

All of my free time was spent calling sellers, talking to people, trying to buy a house. And guess what? It didn’t take me but 30 days to buy the first house. The next month, I bought a second house, and then I bought a third house. That’s when I realized I might be onto something and I needed a real plan.

I formulated a plan and said, I want to leave my job in 12 months. How can I do this? I needed to replace my income and the fastest way to do this would be to lower my income needs so I set about to do that.

Making Time for Investing

We didn’t have social media back in those days, so scrolling on Facebook wasn’t a thing. But when I would get home from work, I would spend time watching TV.

I watched a video recently that said the average American watches 37 hours of TV a week. And I don’t know if that’s true, that sounds like a lot of TV and that’s the average.

But I do know that the most expensive subscription that any of you have right now is Netflix. I know that for a fact because the time that you spend in front of the TV watching, whether it’s what I call mindless TV, which is comedy shows or things that don’t offer you anything, no real lessons.

Whatever you’re doing, if you’re not a full-time real estate investor, if you aren’t financially secure, if you aren’t where you want to be, that time needs to be spent getting there.

I’m a big believer in the saying that “if you’ll do for a short time what others won’t, you can do for the rest of your life what others can’t”.

Prioritizing My Goals

What I did was I gave up television. I gave up some of the limited family time that I had. We ate out less…we budgeted better…I knew it was painful at the time, but I also knew that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

I spent my free time on the internet. We had chat rooms and newsgroups at the time. We didn’t have Facebook and Twitter. So, we would get into these groups and talk to other people who wanted to be investors or who were investors.

What about this technique? How does it work? All the things we do today, we just did it in a different format.

The Key Takeaway

Taking action is the key step in achieving your investing success. A big percentage of the people who buy courses never finish the course, and most never implement anything from the course.

So, set a goal of when you need to quit your job and become a full-time investor, and make a plan on what you need to do to get there.

Whether that is cutting down your expenses, or working more hours every day, or giving up some activities for a short period of time.

If you do those, I don’t know how long it will take you to achieve your goal but I guarantee you, this taking action will put you ahead of most people who only talk or think about it.

I can also tell you what will guarantee your failure to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing. And that thing is “Inaction”.

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