We tell our students every day that the ability to properly analyze a deal is probably THE most important skill an investor can have. Yes…this skill is even more important than lead generation.

Anyone can generate leads of some sort. Driving for dollars, FSBOs on Zillow, foreclosure listings…your Grandma can get leads but the ability to look at a deal and KNOW if it is a deal or not…THAT is a skill that is majorly lacking especially in this new wave of “investors” crowding the space.

Everyone wants a deal, right?

I see crazy all day, every day in the creative finance Facebook groups I am in.

Someone posts a “deal” and the “investors” are all over it within minutes. I literally shake my head reading some of these posts and am amazed at the tulip mania going on right now. If you don’t know what tulip mania is, Google it.

Zero cash flow deals, zero equity deals, balloon payments, astronomical assignment fees, deals that due to the numbers will ONLY make sense as an AirBnB…it doesn’t matter. WE WANT IT!

And I KNOW some people reading this are already feeling extreme FOMO… (Fear Of Missing Out) because it seems like other guys are snapping up these deals left and right.

But I don’t want you to experience FOMO…

I want you to experience JOMO.

The JOY of missing out!

Enjoy the fact that you said NO to one of these “deals” because it wasn’t the right fit for you.

Be proud of the fact that you said NO because financially, it just didn’t make sense.

Embrace the fact that you said NO even though just because everyone else is buying into “it is only going to go up and up” you require certainty to pull the trigger on a deal.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with passing on someone else’s idea of a deal if it doesn’t fit YOUR model.

There is so much hype going on.

Build your buy box. Set your parameters on what is a deal for what you want to do.

Stay the course. Make offers that make sense for YOU. Whenever possible, try to structure seller finance deals where the seller gets their price but you get terms that still make it work. Show them how YOUR deal will make them MORE money over time.

You know what a good deal is and you can’t let the frenzy change that. Real estate is cyclical. There will be a correction. We just don’t know how massive it will be.

I would rather only do 1, really great deal this year than do a dozen mediocre or bad deals.

Remember…if there is a question…there is no question. Certainty is the word.

Let us help you make certain when the music stops, you will have a chair.

Are you a wholesaler or new investor and want to learn more about the freedom subject to & creative finance investing can bring you? Want to learn more about it without spending 10k or more on mentorship programs and expensive courses?

What to learn how to analyze deals with certainty so you never have to experience the regret of buying an alligator instead of a cash flow machine? How does a $7 a month coaching experience where a coach with over 23 years of investing experience will actually answer all of your questions each week sound to you?

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by: William Tingle

William Tingle
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